Terms & Conditions
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By submitting your application, you certify that you agree to the following:
Trek Relief may employ professional tour operators to organize and administer program trips. The designated Tour Operator, in turn, acts only as an agent for any transportation carrier, hotel, ground operator, or other suppliers of services connected with specific programs (herein “Other Providers”), and the Other Providers are solely responsible and liable for providing their respective services. The passenger tickets in use by the carriers will constitute the sole contract between the carriers and the passenger; the carriers are not responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time the participants are not aboard their conveyances.
Trek Relief, its subsidiaries, and their respective employees, affiliates, officers, directors, successors, representatives, and the tour operator will not be held liable for (1) any damage to, or loss of, property or injury to, or death of, persons occasioned directly or indirectly by an act or omission of any Other Provider, including but not limited to any defect in any aircraft, watercraft, or vehicle operated or provided by such Other Provider; and (2) any loss or damage due to delay, cancellation, or disruption in any manner caused by the laws, regulations, acts or failures to act, demands, orders, or interpositions of any government or any subdivision or agent thereof, strikes, fire, flood, war, rebellion, terrorism, insurrection, sickness, quarantine, epidemics, theft, or any other cause(s) beyond their control. The participant waives any claim against Trek Relief and/or the tour operator for any such loss, damage, injury, or death.
The participant is responsible for any loss or damage to equipment lent for use during the program and is subject to charges from the provider.
Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entire program.
By registering for a program, the participant certifies that they do not have any mental, physical, or other condition or disability that would create a hazard for themself or other participants. Any physical condition, diet, or treatment requiring special attention must be reported in the application when the reservation is made. Trek Relief encourages participants to consult a doctor for specific medical advice about any activities or destinations.
The participant is solely responsible for arranging and paying for their own travel to and from the host country, as well as any local transport costs incurred on the way to the program rendezvous point unless otherwise stated. Baggage and personal effects are, at all times, the sole responsibility of the participant.
It is the responsibility of the participant to carry all necessary documents when traveling abroad. While Trek Relief may advise the participant on required travel documentation, Trek Relief is not responsible for any supporting documents necessary for the participant’s travel needs or other purposes. Participants are responsible for ensuring their travel documents are up to date and valid for travel.
Itinerary Changes
Trek Relief and the Tour Operator reserve the right, without penalty, to make changes in the published itinerary whenever, in their judgment, conditions warrant or if they deem it necessary for the participants' comfort, convenience, or safety.
Program Trip Fees
Details of the program trip fees are set out on the Trek Relief website, and any fee revisions will be made public via that platform. Program fee revisions do not apply to participants who have already paid their deposit.
Trek Relief does not cover: activities noted as optional in the itinerary; gratuities; passport, visa, and permit expenses; medical expenses and immunizations; baggage/accident/cancellation insurance; personal expenses, such as laundry, telephone calls, and alcoholic beverages; and any other items not explicitly noted as included.
A ~20% deposit is required 30 days from departure to reserve space on a paid trip. Payment of the deposit confirms a participant’s acceptance onto one of Trek Relief’s volunteer program trips. Deposits are not transferable to other persons.
Final payment is due no later than 14 days before departure. A participant’s reservation may be canceled if full payment has not been received by 14 days before departure. Full payment is required when the reservation is accepted for reservations made within 14 days of the departure date. All cancellation notices must be received in writing and will become effective as of the postmark date.
Refunds and Cancellations
Trek Relief’s trips are designed to be funded through its crowdfunding platform. As a consequence, Trek Relief is unable to provide and does not provide a refund policy. A credit, however, may be held in the participant’s name for up two (2) years to the end of that calendar year from their earliest registered start date for future use on another Trek Relief trip, subject to program availability and at the discretion of the Trek Relief Program Manager.
Arriving late or leaving a trip in progress for any reason will not result in a refund, and no refunds will be made for any unused portions of a trip.
Trek Relief reserves the right to cancel any trip because of inadequate enrollment that makes the trip economically infeasible to operate or because of good-faith concerns with respect to the volunteers' safety, health, or welfare. If a trip is canceled before departure, the tour operator will provide the participants with a credit toward a future trip equivalent to the amount paid to the tour operator. If Trek Relief cancels the trip in progress, the participants will receive a prorated credit based on the number of days not completed on the program. Except as outlined above, when Trek Relief cancels a trip, Trek Relief and the tour operator have no responsibility for any expenses, including any non-refundable expenses, incurred by the participants in preparing for a canceled trip or any additional arrangements should the participants embark before the scheduled group departure date.
Trip Credit Policy
1. All trip credits are valid for a maximum period of two years (until the end of the year) from the date of accrual.
2. The expiration date of each credit will be clearly communicated upon issuance.
3. Credits must be designated to be applied toward a trip at the time of accrual.
Personal Risks
The participant acknowledges and accepts the responsibilities and risks associated with their choice to travel to, temporarily reside in, and provide volunteer services in a foreign country. The participant further acknowledges that weather conditions may be severe, adverse, and/or unpleasant and that medical services or facilities may not be readily available or accessible, or consistent with standards in the United States during some or all of the time during which they are participating on the program and that when available may not be of the quality which exists in the United States. Such travel and volunteer work can be hazardous and involves a certain degree of risk, inherently dangerous activities, and personal perils to the volunteer, both foreseen and unforeseen, all of which are entirely accepted by and solely assumed by the participant. Therefore, Trek Relief, including any and all of its employees, managers, directors, shareholders, host families, and independent local teams, is not liable, to the maximum extent of the law, for any loss or harm the volunteer or associates may suffer, including but not limited to loss caused directly or indirectly by:
Personal injury;
Emotional injury;
Illness or disease;
Damage to or loss of property;
Natural disasters;
Hostage situations; or
War or terrorism.
Trek Relief does not provide the participant with insurance of any kind. Travel insurance is mandatory for each participant, and the participant will purchase this before their trip departure. The participant is solely responsible for evaluating and determining the type, extent, and levels of any insurance coverage they need or desire for their planned volunteer travel period. This must cover their entire travel period. The participant must furnish their proof of insurance, which should include coverage for high-altitude helicopter evacuation for trips in Nepal.
Medical Authorization and Coverage
In the event the participant becomes sufficiently incapacitated as to be unable to direct their own care, there is no one on the trip who can direct the participant’s care, and Trek Relief is unable or does not have time to contact the participant’s emergency contact, the participant, by registering and paying a deposit for a program, authorizes any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of any injury or illness while participating in the activity including, but not limited to, X-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis, or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or specific supervision of, any physician and/or surgeon licensed in the United States, or, if in a foreign country and no physician licensed to practice in the United States is reasonably available, by a duly licensed physician deemed competent to render the necessary care. In addition, the participant certifies that they have some form of insurance, which will cover personal accidents, medical expenses, medical evacuation, air ambulance, loss of effects, repatriation costs, and all other expenses which might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay or inconvenience occurring to the volunteer, or that in the absence of this medical insurance coverage, the participant agrees to pay all costs of rescue and/or medical services as may be incurred on the participant’s behalf.
The participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Trek Relief and the independent local team from any and all liability arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with, the participant’s travel, temporary residence in their chosen destination, and the undertaking of volunteering or tourism activities.
Photography and Video Release
Trek Relief, the Tour Operator, and the Trip Leader reserve the right to take photographs or videos during any trip or part thereof and use the resulting photography, videos, or recordings for promotional or commercial use. By making a reservation on a program, the participant agrees to allow their likeness to be used by Trek Relief, Trek Relief-authorized third parties, and the tour operator without compensation to the participant.
The participant grants to Trek Relief and its agents a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to reproduce the photographs and/or video images taken of me or provided to Trek Relief and/or the tour operator for publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, or trade, in any manner or medium. The participant hereby releases Trek Relief and its legal representatives for all claims and liability related to said images or video and waives their right to any compensation.
The participant will abide by local laws regarding drone photography. Trek Relief and the independent local team reserve the right to dismiss a participant from the program without a refund if the participant fails to do so.
Privacy Policy
Trek Relief and the participant agree to the conditions laid out in the Privacy Policy.
Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct outlines Trek Relief’s expectations for a participant’s behaviors while participating in Trek Relief’s trips. These standards will help Trek Relief maintain a positive and productive environment while preserving a respectable reputation. An infraction of any aspect of the Code will warrant sanctions ranging from a warning to expulsion from the trip and/or all future Trek Relief trips, with no refunds nor provisions for travel costs incurred. The interpretation and enforcement of this Code are at the discretion of the Trip Leader, and this Code should in no way be considered a comprehensive list of offenses warranting disciplinary action.
Whilst volunteering with Trek Relief, the participant becomes a representative of the organization. The participant understands that their actions, behaviors, and decisions affect other volunteers and the organization’s ability to carry out its work effectively.
The participant understands and agrees to abide by the following statements:
All representatives of Trek Relief who choose to consume alcohol must drink responsibly and only in designated locations. Those under the legal drinking age of the country where we work are not permitted to consume or purchase alcohol at any time. Under no circumstances are staff members or participants over the legal age allowed to purchase alcohol on their behalf.
Excessive drinking at any time, or alcohol consumption or inebriation during volunteer hours, will not be tolerated.
Trek Relief will not tolerate any illegal activity, including the consumption of illegal drugs. Participants are subject to local laws in the locations where Trek Relief works.
Sexual relationships with staff members or the local beneficiary community are not permitted. Relationships outside of the staff or beneficiary community must be carried out discreetly and responsibly.
Any form of sexual harassment, whether verbal or otherwise, will not be tolerated.
Acts of violence or threats of violence will not be tolerated. Participants are not permitted to carry weapons on their person at any time.
All representatives shall behave with respect for each other and the cultural environment in which we are working.
Trek Relief reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions and/or the services it offers. The volunteers will be notified regarding the changes and may be required to sign an updated Terms and Conditions.
Trek Relief and the independent local team reserve the right to dismiss a participant from the trip at any time without refund if their medical condition is deemed critical, or these Terms and Conditions or the local team’s code of conduct are breached, and the participant will be held responsible for the expenses incurred during their return.
Trek Relief reserves the right to notify the emergency contact appointed by the participant if the participant is dismissed from the trip and in other circumstances deemed appropriate by Trek Relief.
Trek Relief provides a service connecting participants to the independent local team. The participant agrees that Trek Relief is not liable for any actions or omissions of the independent local team.
This website is presented solely for the purpose of promoting Trek Relief services and those of the independent local teams. This site is controlled and operated by Trek Relief from its offices in the United States. Trek Relief does not warrant or make any representations regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise of the materials on this site or the result of their use.
The participant certifies that all information provided to Trek Relief relating to their background, qualifications, experience, medical history, and current state of health is accurate and truthful and that no information relating to the aforementioned areas is withheld. Trek Relief and the independent local team reserve the right to refuse or remove a participant from their trip, without refund or compensation, if it becomes apparent that inaccurate information is submitted in their application form or provided through communications with Trek Relief staff or if relevant information is withheld, or for any other reason by giving notice to the participant.
Tax Deductibility
Trek Relief is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please note that only contributions beyond goods and services received are tax deductible. Please keep your donation receipt as your official record and consult your tax attorney for eligibility to claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes.