
Inclusivity is our foundation, as we welcome all who share our vision of a better world, inspired by the diverse paths that have led us here. Together, we are not just changing lives; we are redefining what it means to give, grow, and belong.

Trek Relief Adventurers

Connect with the Trek Relief Adventurers group on Facebook to join an upcoming local adventure or service activity!

We cultivate a localized community of enthusiasts to meet near home for outdoorsy activities throughout the year, to serve as fun meetups, and to train for upcoming treks.

The main goals of this group are to:

  1. To train for a trip and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Remain connected with our larger community before and after our trips.

  3. Meet other like-minded adventurers and philanthropists within our networks.

Our meetups provide a platform for individuals to participate in various activities like local hikes, backpacking adventures, beach picnics, and FUNdraiser parties! Join like-minded individuals who share the same interests as you, be it trekking, nature, climbing, volunteering, or yoga.

To encourage leadership within our community, we're providing Trip Credit to those who host active and/or service events through Trek Relief Adventurers.